Uttaranchal University celebrates National Librarian Day 2021

Uttaranchal University celebrated National Librarian Day on 12th August, 2021. The event commenced with a tribute to Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, National Professor of Library Science. Hon’ble Chancellor Shri Jitender Joshi, Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rajesh Bahuguna and the University Librarian, Mr. Arun Singh Thakur spoke at length about the importance of the Library and shared their ideas about inculcating reading habits among faculty members and students.

The faculty members and students were awarded the “Best Library User” in the following categories to encourage library usage.

Best Online User:
Faculty Members – Mr. Rajiv Kumar, Ms Smriti Lekha Majumdar and Mr Bipin Chandra Kandpal

Students – Madhuripu Raj, Shivansh Agrawal and Krishna Nigam

Best Library User:
Faculty Members – Dr. Mayank Pant, Ms. Archana Saxena, Dr. Sandhya Verma

Students (Girls) – Arushi Jha, Vatsala Shukla, Shaktija Singh Baghel

Students (Boys) – Pranav Rayal, Prince Malik and Aman Singh

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