Clubs and Societies

Extra–curricular and co-curricular activities are an inseparable component of the academics. The aim of true education is the development of balanced personality i.e. knowledge and its practical application; intelligence and its articulation, confidence with communication skills, activeness with agility and aptitude with flair.

Uttaranchal University lays great emphasis on organizing intellectually stimulating programs, which allow wider participation and build the confidence level of the students and also enhance their skills.

University Level Clubs, Student Clubs and Student Societies can impact a student’s career and experience in a highly positive way. To enlist some of the benefits, by being an active member of Clubs and Societies, one can:

  • Learn more about oneself and Gain self-confidence.
  • Develop soft skills.
  • Build respect and learn how to work with a team.
  • Make new friends and get networking opportunities.
  • Learn real-world skills while gaining practical experience in a safe environment.
  • Use the skills learned in class.
  • Learn how to engage with diverse groups of people.
  • Develop time management skills
  • Gain leadership skills.
  • Relieve stress and get a break from studies.
  • Expand one’s resume.
  • Give back to the community.
  • Make the most of one’s college experience.

Uttaranchal University incorporates varied University Level Clubs and Societies and encourages the creation of the same in its constituent colleges. Many Student Clubs and Societies function under the aegis of respective colleges.

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