Uttaranchal University organised a 24 hour Hackathon

Uttaranchal University has organised a 24 hours hackathon on 26 March 20022, at the campus for the students of the transdisciplinary domain of the University. Total of 150 students participated in the event, and solved the problem statements given by Government agencies, PSUs and state governments. The top ten teams have registered in the Smart India Hackathon-2022.

The event was inaugurated by Chancellor, Shri Jitender Joshi, guests of the event Arpit Taneja Technical Business Incubator Manager from ABIC Hisa, Dr Nisha Malik Administrative business incubator manager from ABIC Hisar, Mr. Samson from startup, Mr Arun and Ms Kiran from Hyderabad, by lighting the lamp. He motivated the students to participate in the events and to provide innovative solutions to problem statements and encouraged them to file patents and ensure every possible support for the betterment of students’ growth. Vice-Chancellor Prof (Dr) Dharam Buddhi addressed the gathering and shared his views on the social impact of the solutions on society. Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof (Dr) Rajesh Bahuguna extended his best wishes to the students and shared his view on innovation and individual strength. Director Research & Innovation Prof (Dr) Rajesh Singh announced the event and discussed its importance for students. A vote of thanks was proposed by Prof S K Shah. Other delegates present at the event- Prof Anita Gehlot, Prof M P Singh, Prof S D Pandey, Prof D Babu and the Organizing Committee.

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