Guest Lecture by Ketan Bhagat

Ketan Bhagat

Ketan Bhagat
The famous life style guru, motivational speaker and the author of the famous book ‘Complete/Convenient’ will hold an interactive session with the students of Uttaranchal University on issues concerning the students on 13 September. His seminars are considered to be very thought provoking by the youth and they cherish him for the keen insights he shares with them during his sessions. Ketan has been invited for seminars/talks in reputed institutions like IITs. Besides he has conducted three very popular session with TCS and he is being requested for more.

Ketan Bhagat is the younger brother of the celebrated author Chetan Bhagat he has helped his brother in writing the script of the forth-coming Bollywood film.

Students need such inspirational talk to build a positive attitude in them.

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