Faculty Development Programme on the Topic“Research Methodology and Data Analytics”

Uttaranchal University of Pharmaceutical Sciences organizing two week online Faculty Development Programme on the Topic“Research Methodology and Data Analytics”with the aim to initiate and enhance the teaching skill and overall growth of the faculties /research scholars/academician.

This Faculty Development Programme accord 13 influential guest speaker to intensify the teaching skill and various research methodologies.

Dates of FDP: 13th July to 26th July, 2021

Timing of the session:  1st Session: 11:00am , 2nd session 3:00
Interested candidates may register by filling the registration form available @ https://forms.gle/iLj7vhC5G4VnqDrs8  by 7th  July, 2021.
There is a registration fees of INR 200 to be paid through an online transaction to the given account details: (The payment receipt must be uploaded in the google form for registration)

Name of the account holder: UTTARANCHAL UNIVERSITY
Account no.: 85560100001768
IFSC: BARB0DBPREM (The underlined must be considered as ‘ZERO’)
For any query:8218658380; 7883927622
Email Id: fdp.uips2021@gmail.com.
Contact: 9412677431, 9758417729

Best regards,
Organizing Committee
International Faculty Development Programme
Uttaranchal Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dehradun, Uttaranchal University

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