Youth Parliament Society (YPS)

Transcendence and continuity, hierarchy and collectivism, the characteristic elements of our thousand-year-old ‘tradition’, are the fundamentals of our socio-political psyche. Youth Parliament Society of the college is an innovative platform to hone the public speaking and argumentative skills of the students by discussing matters that concern the youth of our nation. We, the future custodians of this rich heritage, living in this modern age realize to the fullest extent the need of imbibing the modern values both political as well as social. The formation of Youth Parliament is an earnest endeavor to inculcate the essentials of liberty, equality, and fraternity in ourselves and the youth in general.

To fulfill such objectives, Youth Parliament Society of Law College Dehradun initiated a platform to discuss forums that simulate real Indian Governmental Bodies and discuss relevant issues within their ambit. Consequently, they provide students with the skills for driving home their creative ideas and for finding solutions to the problems that plague the nation.


S.No. NameofFaculty Designation Designation in the Society
1. Prof.(Dr.) RajeshBahuguna

Mr.Sachin Bhardwaj



Assistant Professor



2. Ms.SaakshiSuneja Student President
3. Ms.NiharikaJha Student Vice-President
4. Mr.ShubhamMishra Student Finance Officer
5. Ms.RitimMangla Student Convener
6. Ms. AarushiSingh Student Co–Convener
7. Mr.ShubhamKashyap Student Co–Convener
8. Mr.AshutoshRaturi Student PublicRelationOfficer
9. Mr.NitinGarg Student ChiefSocialMediaAdvisor
10. Ms. MuskanJha Student SocialMediaAdvisor
11. Ms.AnushkaSingh Student ExecutiveMember
12. Mr.ShikharNidhi Student ExecutiveMember
13. Mr.AbhishekRawat Student ExecutiveMember
14. Ms.AarjuJangra Student ExecutiveMember
15. Mr.HiteshBisht Student ExecutiveMember
16. Ms.ShreyaBhushan Student ExecutiveMember
17. Ms.VanshitaMandrawal Student ExecutiveMember
18. Mr.MandeepSinghYadav Student ExecutiveMember
19. Mr.HarshAgarwal Student ExecutiveMember
20. Ms.SonaliJayara Student ExecutiveMember
21. Mr.Ashish Kumar Student Executive Member
22. Mr.SanyamKhanduja Student Executive Member

Student Advisory Committee Name Year/Course Email
1. Sahil Thakur 5th Year/ BBA.LLB (Hons.)
2. Mahima Bhatia 5th Year/ BA.LLB (Hons.)
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