Uttaranchal University organizes a Seminar on “Cloud Computing”

A one-day seminar on “Cloud Computing” was organized by Uttaranchal University – Computer Science Society (UU- CSS) of Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 27th September, 2017. The aim of the seminar was to familiarize the students with the evolving trade of cloud computing and the latest technologies that have come up in recent times.

The introductory session was presided over by Dr. Anchit Bijalwan, Head – CSE Department, Uttaranchal Institute of Technology who introduced Mr. Rakesh Gulati, the technical expert from IIHT. Dr. Bijalwan encouraged the students to follow a practical approach for the betterment of education.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. Rakesh Gulati enlightened the students about every aspect of Cloud, Big Data, Hadoop & Analytics. The address was followed by an interactive session between the students and the technical expert wherein the concepts of data security on cloud, implementation and scope of this technology were discussed. The event was coordinated by Dr. Manoj Diwakar, Assistant Professor, CSE Department and Ms. Sumita Lamba, Assistant Professor/ Incharge (UU-CSS), CSE Department, Uttaranchal Institute of Technology.

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